The Joy of Your Salvation
Believers experience spiritual joy through walking in harmony with the Lord, producing fruits of the Spirit. However, sin can grieve the Holy Spirit, diminishing joy but not affecting salvation, which is secure through Christ’s work. Restoring joy requires self-judgment and confession. Eternal security in salvation and the fluctuating experience of joy must not be confused; salvation stands immutable, while joy depends on the believer’s spiritual conduct.
The Assurance of Salvation
People often doubt their salvation, relying on feelings rather than God’s assurance. It’s not about the amount or strength of our faith, but the truth that our faith is in Christ and His work. We must believe God’s word over our feelings.
The Way Of Salvation
In Old Testament times, a donkey had to be redeemed by the sacrifice of a lamb according to the Law of God. This act points us to the Lord Jesus, the “Lamb of God,” who gave His life to redeem sinners, taking their punishment upon himself to grant them forgiveness and eternal life, demonstrating God’s love and justice.
For God So Loved
In one of the most well-known verses in the Bible, we see the greatest love ever manifested. Of all the gifts ever given, none compares to when God gave His only begotten Son!